6 comments on “Apocalypsis: Book 4 (HAVEN) is PUBLISHED!

  1. Wow, you sure stuck to schedule…even beat it! This is great timing for me, as I’ve had trouble finding something that grabs my interest lately. It’s so nice not having to wait a long time between books. Now I’m caught between savoring and diving right in. The power of the pen(especially in the right hands) is mighty and will surely overwhelm me, but I do want to enjoy the anticipation a wee bit longer.

    Thanks Much 🙂

    • I really like that: the power of the pen in the right hands… thank you! I hope you love the book. I look forward to reading your review. 🙂 xoxo Elle

  2. I got Haven yesterday as soon as it came out, read until midnight last night and just finished it.
    I absolutely loved it! Bryn made the perfect choice re Bodo! I am just so sad so many got killed.

    Thank you for another wonderful book!

    • Oh, I’m so happy to know this. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know! I’m glad it worked out in a way that was okay for you. It’s hard to please everyone! xoxo Elle

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