Clash of the Otherworlds news

Hello readers.  I've missed you.  I feel like I've been gone for so long, but I really haven't.  I've just been coming down off the Book 4 high – now getting ready to jump into some other exciting projects that I wanted to tell you about.

First: Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 1, sneak peek … yes!  It's coming!  I'll post it tonight.  Have I ever let you down yet?  And the publish date for Book 1 is slatted for September 30.

Second: Apocalypsis, a 3-book dystopian/post-apocalyptic series with anticipated publish dates of June 30, July 31, and August 31 for each book, respectively.

If you're interested in having a character in any of these books named after you, just let me know!  🙂

That's all for now…

xoxo Elle

58 comments on “Clash of the Otherworlds news

  1. What can I say…I read your first fae novel as free selection from Kindle and finished it in 4 hours! I then HAD to purchase the rest of the series and completed them in 2 days. I literally could not stop reading! You are an amazing author and I can not wait to read the rest of your stories! Thank you for your wonderful and beautiful imagination! Waiting patiently to find out what happens with Jayne and Ben and the rest of the Fae world. As for cool names…don’t ya think Rhea (mother to Zeus) is a cool name for a character? Again..thank you for introducing me to your writing! pleased keep up the amazing work!

    Rhea C.

    • So glad to hear you say all this! Your words are like drugs for me, and I’m a total addict for reader love. And yes, I agree. Rhea would be a great name for a character in a book *wink, wink*. 🙂 xoxo Elle

  2. How is it possibly barely anyone else has commented on this? Pick me! Pick me! Well you don’t have to. Im just very impatient to see the next books. I know I should wait but I can’t help it. I will be reading every book release the instant they hit Amazon because i f***ing LOVE your books!

    Your sneak peak left me wanting more. Keep it up. Its hard work but your readers love it 🙂

    Peace out homie haha

  3. All I can say is your books have helped me escape from a stressful life if even for a few days. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to your fans. BTW, doesn’t Isabel sound like a sweet, yet strong name? Haha 🙂

    • Oooh, I’m so happy to hear that I helped! I’m sorry you have stress right now.:( “This too, shall pass.” And yes, Isabel is awesome! 🙂 xoxo Elle

  4. I have to a niece who is an avid reader,and before I buy her books, I read them first. I have to say your books are so ADDICTING!!! You have difinitely made this old broad a fan!! When will the OtherWorlds be available?

    • I love old broad fans! I consider myself one most days! 🙂 So glad you liked the books. Just warn your sibling (parent of the niece) about the swearing so you don’t get in trouble. LOL. Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 1 is scheduled for release September 30. And then each book in the series one month after. I have a 3-book series coming out June, July, and August. It’s called Apocalypsis and is, as you might guess, a post-apocalyptic/dystopian series, young adult, but meant for older teens and, yes, us old broads. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo Elle

  5. Hey, Aidan, I think it’s really a good thing that so few fans commented… now probably all of us get to be in a book!

  6. Cannot wait for the otherworlds to come out! I stumbled across the first fae book on Amazon and had to purchase the other three books asap. I’m going to start on Wrecked today:)

    • I’m so glad you liked the series. I think I’m as excited as you are about the Clash coming out. I can’t wait to start writing it! I miss Jayne and the gang. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. xoxo Elle

  7. Loved the stories. I got the 1st Fae book free, read it in a day, and devoured the rest of them in about 3 days. I also loved Wrecked. I can’t wait for more books! As for the name thing…lol Cynthia…greek goddess of the moon. Need I say more =)

  8. I read the War of the Fae series barely able to put the book down to sleep at night. I am very picky when it comes to reading because if within the first 2 chapters I have to be taken into the world of the book. The pace was perfect. I have told many of my friends, including post about it on Facebook, about you and recommended your books to them. I know most people recommend their own name, which I do too, but I would like to see the name Draken in one of your books. Draken is of Greek origin meaning Dragon.

    • Hey! I’m so happy you enjoyed the series so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you for spreading the word. It’s readers like you that will make it possible for me to do this full time. I just love writing! And I think Draken is a super cool name to use on a book. 🙂 xoxo Elle

      • Perhaps Draken could be the name of the dragon Jayne’s ancestor slayed, if you decide to explore her ancestry. Even and I know it is ambitious, maybe you could make “blackie” take form as a character himself. Maybe Samantha was teaching Jayne some spell that come make inanimate objects the ability to speak (like so you can ask a tree where someone went or something) and Jayne messed it up.

        So blackie gained the ability to talk and States its name is actually Draken. So the fang of Draken actually contains the dragons personality. Draken would be really wise because
        he has gained so much wisdom over his long life + he observed everything as a fang. I could see him quickly becoming the cynical voice of reason and giving Jayne and the rest of the bunch advice.

        Well that’s one idea and anyways. Btw I am a huge fan of your novel’s and I cannot wait for the new book to come out. :3. I know you have a lot of names and I have given more than a fair share of input but, if you ever find yourself in need of a name the name Kairi an awesome name from an awesome game. :} she could even be the source of Jaynes elementalism ~nya~ LOL

        -Just a <3'ing fan

        • Ally, You have a very fertile mind. Maybe you should try writing too! 🙂 I’m afraid I cannot take story ideas from readers, but I do sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm for the series and characters. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. xoxo Elle

  9. Hi
    is there anyway there will be a copy earlier than september 30th?? i finished the whole changeling series and am very impatient to know what happens next.
    i love Jayne and her smart mouth and also tim. lol. you can get sucked into the story really fast.
    and did i get the ending correctly that samantha and jayne are cousins?? i figured from the start that there was some connection between jayne and maggie.

    its so intriguing. Good Job. cant wait for the next series 😀

    • Hi! So glad you enjoyed the series. It’s possible Book 1 will be published before the end of September, but no guarantees. 🙂 And yes, you did get that ending between Jayne and Samantha. xoxo Elle

  10. Hi!! I would love for a character to be named after me in one of your books. It would be cool if he was a noble romantic kinda guy thank you soo much please email me what book it would be in PS: I just love your books and buy one after another your a truly great author
    Sincerely, Garrett Naylor from California

  11. Hello!! I want to start off saying I have read all of your books and just love them! You are a truly amazing author. I would love to have a character named Garrett which means brave warrior which fits your books. Thank you so much I love your books please let me know If I will be a character. Thanks ski much great job on your books
    Sincerely, Garrett Naylor from california

    • Garrett! What a cool name! I’ll be sure to include it. 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by. Your compliments are the perfect thing to read as I start my writing day. xoxo Elle

  12. I flippin LOVE your books. My mom dowlnoaded them onto her kindle and loaned them to me. God has gifted you for sure. First I read Wrecked and then the War of the Fae series. Very hard to put down. I wanted to ignore everyone around me just so I could finish reading. So now that I have, I really hope that Chase finds happiness, ‘cuz I totally wanted to cry after finishing the fourth book in the series. I love happy endings, even if they are cliche. Youre character development is phenominal. Anyhow, thought I would let you know. And of course, who wouldn’t want their name in one of your books? It’s Moriah with an ‘o’.
    Your new fan,

    • I flippin love your comment!! 🙂 I agree. Moriah sounds like a cool name. Now the question is, what kind of creature are you, and are you a good guy or a bad guy? lol xoxo Elle

      • You respond fast. Awesome. And since you asked…my Grammy always called me her pixie, and I’m pretty ornery. Not sure if Moriah sounds like an ornery pixie though. Good or bad? Hmmm. Not sure. Life’s stress has made me feel a little less good lately. lol

        • Moriah def sounds hornery to me. In a good way! I’m not sure if there will be more pixies in the next books but def some angels and demons. heh, heh.

          • Okay, so after this I will leave you alone… Should you fall madly in love with my name and find all out inspiration from it, and think, I NEED to have this in one of my books, I can totally give you a description of my physical and personality traits if you think it would be helpful for character development. Alright that about does it for me I. I have enjoyed the chatting by the way. It’s really cool when authors respond to fan mail. Peace out.

          • I do think your name is inspirational! I’ll do my best to find a character that fits it in my mind. 🙂 Feel free to come over and chat anytime. I love it!! xoxo Elle

  13. Dear Ms. Casey,
    I love a good character driven story, and your stories drive like muscle car on jet fuel! I love reading YP fiction, and especially when the characters sound like they are really talking! Bad dialogue can ruin my day. I am trying to write some urban fantasy myself, and I admire not only your style…but the amount of work you are putting out there is amazing! I am not a teenager anymore, heck I even passed my twenties by, but I would recommend your stuff to any teenagers I know! Keep ’em coming, and I’ll keep reading them! Thank you!

    • Wow, thank you! What a great compliment to wake up to. 🙂 I really appreciate you coming by to let me know. It means a lot to know you find my work so appealing and realistic. I do try hard on the dialogue because I’m like you – if it sounds stilted or unrealistic it makes me crazy. Good thing I’m still a teenager in my head. lol Best of luck in your own writing endeavors. xoxo Elle

  14. First of all let me thank you for a wonderful series that captured me from the beginning. Jayne is an amazing character that you cant help but love. She reminds me some what of Rachel Morgan from the hollow series. I simply couldn’t put these books down. You have an amazing writting style that sucks a reader in and you didn’t disappoint.
    The dynamic between Jayne and Tim had me laughing out loud several time through the series. I cant wait for Clash of the Other Wolds. Please don’t stop writting about this world and characters. I know I for sure will read everyone you put out!

    • You are so very welcome! And thank YOU for coming by to tell me how much you’ve enjoyed my work. It means so much to me to know that. I’m starting on Clash in a couple days. First book will be out at the end of September! 🙂 xoxo Elle

  15. Its awesome to have an author reply so quickly to your comments. What about aryanna? I’ve always liked that name thought it would be a great name for a strong female (good character) name.
    Any other little sneak peaks we can get? I’m very excited an anxious for the next book. The cliffhangers leave me craving for more. I loge a great story I can loose myself in and that’s what you provide! I NEED more!!!!!!!!!!

    • Ha, ha …. you say that and then I go to bed before I see this one and it’s 12 hours later that I approve it. 🙂 That is a beautiful name. I’ll have to put it on the list. So far, no sneak peeks – but there will be one for Apocalypsis: Book 4, Haven soon. And in another month, one for Clash 2. Busy, busy, busy! xoxo Elle

  16. I cannot wait for September 30th!!! I’m losing my mind! I miss all the characters so bad it’s absolutely rediculous! So excited!!!! 8D

  17. First off I’d like to say how jayne is probably my favorite fictional female character EVER! She has no filter and you cant help but love her for it. Its realistic and makes for a great read. I read the war of the far series first and I loved your writing so much I bought all the others and now check your website frequently. Hope my name can make an appearance I may be a female but I wouldn’t be against seeing a male Casey either :p

    • Thank you soooo much! What a great compliment. Jayne appreciates it. 🙂 You know if I use your name everyone, will think I’m using my own. Sure is a cool name, though. Maybe I should just do it anyway. lol xoxo Elle

  18. Loved War of the Fae series! I read through these books within a week! I have been impatiently waiting for release of the next one. I’m definitely a big fan! Thanks for dreaming up a world that I would like to be a part of (hint hint)!

  19. I have been checking everyday for Clash of the Otherworlds. I thought that it was coming out September 2012. I have not been able to find it yet. Please Help me!!!!!!!!

    • Hi, Miranda! You get the most frequent updates on my Facebook page. Most of my books are published on the last day of the month. If there is an early release, I always notify members of my fan club first. So I recommend you join my Facebook and Fan Club to get the latest and fastest news. 🙂 xoxo Elle

  20. I discovered your books via Amazon after being given a Kindle for my birthday. I have absolutely loved the War of the Fae books and can’t wait to read the Clash of the Otherworlds series. I am one of your older readers but really enjoy sharing many of the young adult books with my daughter. Please keep writing these fabulous stories for us to enjoy.

    • That’s wonderful! I will keep writing them. I have no choice since the characters’ voices are so loud in my head, the only way to get any peace is to write it all down. Plus I have all these awesome fans to keep happy. 🙂 xoxo Elle

  21. Hi Elle! I Just wanted to let you know that I LOVED the War of the Faes books. I randomly found your first book on kindle and like most of your other fans I read the series in a matter of days. I’m super super excited about Clash of the Otherworlds. I’ve been counting down the days for it to come out for months. You’re awesome and I’ll be checking amazon all day long to read your new book!

  22. Good morning Elle. I am excited that today is the day that Clash of the Otherworlds is released, but I am kinda panicked. I don’t see it listed on AMAZON. That is where I have gotten all your books for my kindle so far. Is AMAZON not going to sell it? I am going to try B&N online to see if they have it. I am just about finished with Apocalypsis #3 and I timed it just right to start Clash.

    I haven’t read the end of the book yet, but I would think there would be another Apocalypsis book. Sure hope so…great series.

    Your books rock. Not so thrilled with the language in the Fae books, but am overlooking since the books are SOO good.

    • Don’t panic!! It’s being uploaded in the next hour. It will show on Amazon in 3-15 hours after that (I have no control over their approval process, unfortunately!!). So glad you’re looking forward to it. xoxo Elle

  23. So, right. I just wanted to thank you for following whatever path brought you to choosing to be an author, and thank you for being brave enough to share your wildly creative and unique imagination and sense of humour with the world. I absolutely adore your books and writing style. I can’t even remember how many times I had to laugh out loud while reading and then hope no one heard me giggling in a room all by myself, haha. I finished the Fae series in its entirety in under a week, and that’s as a college student working 5 days a week! It’s been several months now, and I’m just about to buy the 1st book of your new series, k, totally hooked. Anyway, please do keep up your hard work and know that you’re making heaps of people (like me!) very happy with all your effort. Cheers!

    • Gosh, it seems so weird to say this, but you’re welcome!! I’m glad to be here, writing my fingers off for readers like you. It’s absolutely my privilege, so thank YOU for being such a fan. I really appreciate your readership and you coming by to share how you feel about my work. Super hugs!!!!! xoxo Elle

  24. Well you already have my name in your books, Becky the water sprite, lovely character. So I will pretend she is me! I do have some lovely girl names if a should say so myself. :0) The one daughter, Moriah with an O, lol, you’ve talked to her before. SO here is 2 more for ya, Chantel with an E, and Delana with umm an A. So there you go, two more characters for your books.I can send you the middle names if you want, although they are more generational.. wow that’s a word, thought I was making that one up.

    • Yes! Do take Becky for yours. She was a name just pulled out of the ether, so perhaps it was me reading my future of having you as a reader. 🙂 And Moriah’s name is coming up! You have such great names in your family. 🙂 xoxo Elle

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