The Seymour Button

I noticed a new feature on Amazon today.  Under everyone's book covers is this button that says:

“See More Like This”

Forever and henceforth, this button shall be known by me as the Seymour Button.

I clicked on one under my book and just saw a bunch more of my books.  But if I click on some Seymour Buttons of authors who only have one or two books, I see what I suspect is a list of “also-boughts”.  That's where Amazon compiles all the data about who buys what and notices patterns.  For example, if you like Samantha Young, you'll probably also like Elle Casey.   People who bought Elle Casey's War of the Fae novels, also bought Amanda McKeon's debut novel, Morrigan: Tales of a Teenage Witch (The Dark Queen).  That kind of stuff.

I like it.  I'm all for helping people find more books they might like.

Now if only we could get Amazon to add an I-LOVE-THIS-AUTHOR'S-STUFF-SO-EMAIL-ME-WHEN-SHE-PUBLISHES-ANOTHER-BOOK button, we'd be all set.  I'll have to come up with a shorter name for it, though.


4 comments on “The Seymour Button

  1. So they ditch tags to give us Seymour. That just isn’t right. How are indie supposed to compete without tags?

    And why do I now have the Little Shop of Horrors song playing in my head?

  2. awesome. to be fair though, those of us that DO love the absolute A out of your books, are pretty much checkin everyday for new ones regardless of whether we know they get released every end of mobth or not 😛 I know I am

    • I wish everyone felt like you did!! Then the Seymour Button could be replaced by the … I don’t know what button… (sorry, lame. I’m tired.) 🙂 xoxo Elle

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