Why indies love their indie readers!

I'm so excited to be a part of this “Indie Revolution” in books these days.  I'm just a newbie, compared to guys like Hugh Howey, who has sold hundreds of thousands of copies of his science fiction short stories and novels.

Here's a super cool post from his blog, where he talks about “Crowdsourced Fiction“.  Readers of indie novels are a special breed.  They connect with the writers in a more intimate way, helping to improve our work.

Hats off to readers and supporters of indie authors!  We appreciate you!

xoxo Elle

7 comments on “Why indies love their indie readers!

  1. It’s amazing to have the relationship we’re able to with readers. No need to wait for an author to come to town for a signing (those are still fun, though) or see them at a convention. Now we’re just . . . accessible.

    Great time to be both a reader and a writer!

    • I know! I wasn’t exaggerating; I really feel like we’re part of a revolution right now. I’m so proud to be included in all of it! Congrats, Hugh, on your success. May you continue to prosper in your career as a fabulous writer and great all-around guy. 🙂

      xoxo Elle

  2. I don’t know yet how I feel when I notice someone’s creative work reflects the general internet feedback on it. For example, this season of Community seems to be talking to the internet fanbase a lot, but that show has always been really self-referential. I feel like every time they do something that is a winking nod to the internet hive-mind, it kinda takes away my enjoyment, because I don’t want them to do the things the internet consensus wants. Maybe I’m just difficult that way!

    I feel like … I’m the quiet kid at the back of the classroom who wants to watch the improv skit, and the noisy kids at the front are yelling out instructions. I want to see what the artist wants to do.

    This is more my feelings about TV shows than books, though, as I don’t often notice books being quite so immediately responsive.

    I haven’t yet read Hugh’s books, but I hear they’re wonderful, and they’re totally on my TBR list!

    • I hadn’t thought about the issue this way, but it suggests to me that writers need to be careful not to lose their voices, or their instincts about writing what they think they should write rather than what the fans are asking for.

      Personally, I like the interaction with my readers and enjoy getting feedback that I can incorporate into my work. I don’t always do what I know my readers want me to do, because ultimately it’s the characters in the stories who write the stories for me, but reader guidance is invaluable.

      I’ve wondered why, historically, traditionally published authors do not interact with their readers except at conferences or through one-sided conversations as website posts. I figured it was that they were contractually forbidden, so the publishing company could control the author’s brand very closely. It’s true, we are an emotional bunch and have been known to say stupid things in public forums. I’m not sure if I’m correct about that reason for the silence.

      I do know, though, that some independent authors do not agree with my philosophy that writers should interact with their readers. They like the ivory tower idea better – writers are to be admired but not actually spoken to … and heaven forbid they actually reach out to a reader! Gasp! It’s just not to be done! I couldn’t disagree more with that philosophy, so I shall continue to ignore their bits of advice and talk to my readers as long as they want to be talked to! 🙂

      • I’ll admit I follow tvtropes a lot and I’m familiar with a lot of tropes, so I try to stay a few steps ahead of the readers. I am, however, doing one particular “classic” move right now, which is “teasing the shippers.” In my paranormal series I have an ongoing crush between 2 characters. I’m going to drag that out for a sweeeeeet amount of time. 🙂

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